InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.The Dark Side of Unrealistic Goals: How They Can Sabotage Your Life and HappinessFeel better about your life by eliminating the self-delusion and frustration you’ve carried around for yearsJan 2, 2023Jan 2, 2023
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Does Forgiveness Help the Healing Process or Is it Just Another Crock of Crap Created by Guilt, Inc?Trigger Warning: This article is NOT for Snowflakes, Karens, and Church LadiesNov 5, 2022Nov 5, 2022
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Have Happy People Found a Simple Secret to Success?How happy people get what they want out of lifeOct 21, 20221Oct 21, 20221
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.When Saying “NO” is the Wrong AnswerUse these alternative strategies to boost your career and increase the value of your professional and personal relationshipsOct 19, 20221Oct 19, 20221
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.When the Axe Falls Unexpectedly …Tech HR Departments are on a firing rampage. Here’s how to respond when the cross-hairs of termination fall on you!Oct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Jaye Frances Called Me Out For Omitting the Biggest Life-Lie of AllAnd I must warn you, this one is surrounded by caution flags and warning flaresOct 11, 20223Oct 11, 20223
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Stop Expecting the Deadwood in Your Life to Feed Your Soul — You Have to Look ElsewhereHow will you arrive at your desired destination if there’s no one to show you the way?Oct 8, 20221Oct 8, 20221
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting Are Spawning New Definitions of Success and FailureAccept them at your own riskSep 30, 20222Sep 30, 20222
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Five Life Lies That Continue to Disappoint and Confuse, Even Though You Desperately Want to…Breaking free from folk wisdom may be the only chance you’ll have to find success and happiness.Sep 25, 20222Sep 25, 20222
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Quiet Quitting is the Newest Trend in Pushing Back Against Demanding Bosses, Irrational Deadlines…It’s also the fastest way to commit career suicideAug 11, 202210Aug 11, 202210
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Jenny’s Dream Couldn’t Save Her From a Life of Frustration and RegretAre you haunted by the same dream?Sep 7, 20223Sep 7, 20223
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Can Two Educated, Left-Leaning Liberals Find Happiness in a Small, Conservative Pacific…We’re moving on — and we’re packing lightAug 30, 202248Aug 30, 202248
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.What I Learned from a Restaurant Server About the Value of CommitmentSome investments have nothing to do with moneyAug 9, 20225Aug 9, 20225
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Decisions, Deadlines, and Doubt — Are You Ready to Face the Truth About Your Future?The Great Resignation was only a sign of what’s to comeJul 28, 20223Jul 28, 20223
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Think You Have the Perfect Plan?Fair warning — life may have something else in mindJul 19, 20224Jul 19, 20224
InCurated NewslettersbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Five Red Flags It’s Time to Join the Great ResignationThe job market is changing — FAST! Here are the warning signs that indicate your job could be in serious jeopardyJul 15, 20222Jul 15, 20222
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Afraid of What People Will Say at Your Funeral?You can’t please everyone — not even after you’re dead . . .Jul 11, 20224Jul 11, 20224
InCuriousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.5 Traits and Values of a Strong, Committed Tribe —And 3 Reasons Why You Need OneWill belonging to a tribe result in a longer, happier life?Jun 11, 20224Jun 11, 20224
InCuriousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.7 Pieces of Advice for Taming Those Negative Voices and Getting On With Your LifeHas regret taken over your life?Jun 2, 20222Jun 2, 20222
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.5 Ways to Keep Your Life on Track When the Unexpected Shows UpThe life-changing magic of having a Plan BMay 23, 2022May 23, 2022