InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Seniors Are Returning to the Job Market for a Second Act, and That Means It’s Round Two in the…It’s time to talk about the elephant in the roomJan 24, 20232Jan 24, 20232
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Are Thoughts of Your Own Death Influencing How You Live the Last Third of Your Life?Living your best life has nothing to do with ageJun 19, 202218Jun 19, 202218
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Your Unanswered Questions Hold the Key To a New and More Rewarding Future5 tips to bring your life into alignment with your true priorities and values.Nov 4, 2021Nov 4, 2021
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.You May Have Made It Through a Mid-Life Crisis, But Your Late-Life Crisis is Going to Be a Bitch!The problems and challenges that confused and worried us thirty years ago are no longer the issue.Sep 20, 20214Sep 20, 20214
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Reading the Face of Father Time.It’s the most urgent wake-up call you’ll ever receive. How will you answer it?Sep 18, 20211Sep 18, 20211
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.It’s Time to End the Ageist, Cultural Misconception of RetirementAm I retired? Please stop asking the question.Jul 31, 202116Jul 31, 202116
InPublishousbyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.After Reaching Your Highest Goal You May Still Have Unanswered QuestionsHow to get maximum return from the time you have leftJul 23, 20212Jul 23, 20212
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Live Your Best Life Now, Because the Future Doesn’t Look So GreatHow a friend’s predictions of the future changed my mind about getting olderMay 18, 202131May 18, 202131
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyRoger A. Reid, Ph.D.Discover the Secret to Aging Without Apology or Regret10 ways to become the exception to the myth of agingMay 25, 202125May 25, 202125